四虎永久免费国产精品,精品黄色一区二区三区,台湾av一区二区三区 Heat exchanger gasket is a term that has been given to gasket used in heat exhanger.The structure of the gasket or its type varies according to operating condition of these heat exchangers.


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        DONDE SEAL


        Professional Of Mechanical Packing & Industrial Gasket

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        ¡¡ Tel: +86-574-63787875    63787840
        ¡¡ Fax: +86-574-63787241
        ¡¡ E-mail: wangbo@chinaseal.cn
        ¡¡         mgr@chinaseal.cn
        ¡¡ ¡¡

        Gasket Series

        Standard Spiral Wound Gasket

        Spiral Wound Gasket for Heat Shield

        Manhole/Handhole Spiral Wound Gasket

        Spiral Wound Gasket for Heat Exchanger

        Low Load Spiral Wound Gaskets

        Range of Materials Spiral Wound Gaskets

        Spiral Wound Exhaust Pipe Gasket

        Kammprofile Grooved Gasket

        Double Jacketed Gasket

        Tanged(Reinforced) Graphite Gasket

        Molded Graphite Ring For Exhaust

        Cylinder Gasket & Engine Gasket

        Ring Joint Gasket

        Non-asbestos Gasket

        Asbestos Gasket

        PTFE Gasket

        PTFE Envelope Gasket

        Rubber Gasket

        Non-Metal Gasket

        Semi-Matal Gasket

        Metal Gasket

        Tape Gasket

        High temperature Gasket

        Insulation Gasket

        Gasket Sheet

        Flexile Graphite Sheet

        Reinforced(Tanged) Graphite Sheet

        Compressed Asbestos Rubber Sheet

        Reinforced(Tanged) Asbestos Sheet

        Non-asbestos Jointing Sheet

        Reinforced(Tanged) Non-asbestos Sheet

        PTFE(Teflon) Sheet

        Expanded PTFE Sheet

        Rubber Sheet

        Cork Rubber Sheet

        Gland Packing

        Graphite Packing

        PTFE Packing

        PTFE Graphite Packing

        Carbon Fiber Packing

        Kevlar Fiber Packing

        Synthetic/Mineral Fiber Packing

        Vegetable Fiber Packing

        Special Gland Packing

        Molded Packing Ring

        Die-formed Graphite Ring

        Injectable Packing

        Sealing Material

        PTFE Sealing Material

        Graphite Sealing Material

        Material For Spiral Wound Gasket

        Expande PTFE Valve Stem Packing
        Expanded PTFE Joint Sealant
        Flexible Graphite Tape

        Packing Braided Yarn

        Graphite Corrugated Tape
        Self-adhesive Graphite Weaven Tape

        Ceramic Fiber Thermal Insulation Material

        Glass Fiber Thermal Insulation Material

        Sealing Tools & Machines

        Packing Maintenance Tools

        Packing Cutter

        Gasket Cutter

        Other Handle Tools

        Gasket Machines

        Machines For Spiral Wound Gasket

        Machines For Braiding Packing

        Machines For Cut Gasket

        Kammprofile Machines

        Eyelets Wrapping Machine

        Eyelets metal Tape shaper

        Back to Products Catalog




              Keywords:Gaskets,Heat Exchanger Gasket,Professional Manufacturers & Suppliers of gaskets and gland packing

        ¡¡ Semi-metal Gasket Series ¡¡
        ¡¡ Spiral Wound Gasket              Rreinforced Graphite Gasket              Metal Jacketed Gasket            
        ¡¡ Heat Exchanger Gasket             Spiral Wound Exhaust Pipe Gasket     Cylinder Gasket & Engine Gasket
        ¡¡ Double Jacketed Gasket

        Heat Exchanger Gasket

        Item No.:ZD-G2124

        Description:Heat exchanger gasket is a term that has been given to gasket used in heat exhanger.The structure of the gasket or its type varies according to operating condition of these heat exchangers.The heat exchanger gaskets come in a wide spectre types including single or double jacketed,corrugated,plain metal,soft and many other.A large section of different materials allows heat exchangers to operate at temperature beyond the capabilities of most soft gsket material.

        Application;Available in wide range of gasket materials,since they're all custom made.There are few limitations regarding size and shape.

        The material jacket provides mechanic strength to contain the filler and improves chemical resistance.

        Unique construction provides stability and ensures trouble-free handling and installation.

        Shape and Construction:

        These gaskets are used in shell and tube type heat exchangers.They can be manufactured in very different size,shapes,with or without bars.The primary seal is at the inner diameter of the gasket,the outer gasket diameter acts as secondary seal.The bars seal between the heat exchangers passages.

        The heat exchanger gaskets are produced in several types to meet the most demanding applications.Gasket for heat exchangers can be manufactured in metal or alloy with thickness 0.4mm featuring a soft core inside a metallic jacket.

        Main Specification of Heat Exchanger Gasket:


        according with the material



        Gasket Factor


        Minimum Pre-tighten 


        Main Style of Heat Exchanger Gasket£º


        Warning: Gasket materials should never be recommended when both the temperature and the pressure are at the maximums listed.  Properties and applications shown are typical.  No application should be undertaken by anyone without independent study and evaluation for suitability. Never use more than one gasket in one flange joint, and never reuse a gasket.  Improper use or gasket selection could cause property damage and/or serious personal injury.  The data reported is a compilation of field testing, field service reports and/or in-house testing.  While the utmost care has gone into publishing the information contained herein, we assume no responsibility for errors.  The information and specifications  contained in this website are subject to change without notice. This revision cancels and obsoletes all previous editions.



        ÕãICP‚ä09001215   Copyright£ºCIXI ZONDE SEALING & GASKET CO.,LTD.
        Address£ºXimenwai Industrial District,Longshan Town,Cixi,Ningbo City,China.
        E-mail£º mgr@chinaseal.cn; wangbo@chinaseal.cn
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